Candidate Requirements
- Minimum age at commencement of course: 18 years.
- Minimum age to obtain a full judging licence: 21 years.
- Must be a financial ANCATS member and have held that membership for the last 12 months or more.
- Must be a competent Steward, who has satisfactorily completed all assessments of the ANCATS Stewards course or a recognised official stewards course and then have completed ten (10) satisfactory assignments at ANCATS shows.
- Must possess a Breeder's Prefix and have bred and registered five (5) or more litters of kittens from a recognised breed.
- The first Judging Qualification obtained must be for a breed group (longhair/shorthair)
from the litters the candidate has previously registered.
- Any applicant who believes they possess prior formal training that would exempt them from any of the entry requirements may make a submission to have their prior training recognised and the relevant entry requirement waived. Documentation of course content and course results must be submitted to ANCATS.
- Applicants must complete this course application which includes the Candidates details and resume.
The candidate will need to purchase the following course material and books:
- ANCATS Cat Judge’s Course subjects - 3 Modules.
Legacy of the Cat (2nd edition) by Gloria Stephens, photographs by Tetsu Yamazaki (2001), Chronicle books: San Francisco. Available from online book stores.
- ANCATS Book of Standards. Available to download from the ANCATS website free of
To be successful and pass this course, you must complete all assignments and practical assessments to a satisfactory standard.
The fees for this course are by subject:
Foundations of Cat Judging / Coat, colour and pattern. $100.00
Judging shorthaired cats / Practical aspects of shorthaired cats. $100.00
Judging longhaired cats/ Practical aspects of judging longhaired cats. $100.00
Fill in your details and
resume below then click the Submit Application button to
send your application to ANCATS.
ANCATS will consider your application and if successful (subject to confirmation of payment) you will be issued with the course material for the first subject: Foundations of Cat Judging / Coat, colour and pattern.
If you wish to pay for your application via Credit Card or Internet
Banking please select the required option below and contact ANCATS on (02) 9544 1910
to arrange payment details. |
I wish to pay my application fees by: |
should be posted to:
PO Box 2478
Taren Point Business Centre
Taren Point NSW 2229
Tel: (02) 9544 1910
Details for Direct Deposit Option:
BSB 032-052
Account No 11-8760
Please include your Surname in the transaction description and send an email to payments@ancats.com.au with a copy of the transfer receipt or the payment date.
understand my application will not be valid until payment is received by ANCATS Inc. |
Please Note: You must agree to the conditions above to to enable the Submit Application button. |